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Richmond Law's LL.M. is a one-year, full-time, master's level law program for lawyers whose first degree in law is from outside the United States. It offers an opportunity for lawyers to gain a strong grounding in U.S. law and the common law system while polishing their communication and legal English skills. Richmond is known for its outstanding faculty and the personalized attention that professors give each student.

LL.M. students are fully integrated into the J.D. program. They must complete 24 credits of academic coursework, including The U.S. Legal System and U.S. Legal Research and Writing. All other courses are elective, and LL.M. students may enroll in first year J.D. courses as well as upper-level courses and seminars.

LL.M. Certificates of Concentration

  • Certificate in International Business

    • Students must take a total of at least ten credits, including International Business Transactions and two or more of the following:

      • course Selected Topics: Anti-Bribery Law in International Business

      • course Antitrust

      • course Business Associations

      • course Selected Topics: Corporate Compliance

      • course Selected Topics: Corruption in International Sports I and course Corruption in International Sports II

      • course Immigration Law

      • course Intellectual Property Fundamentals

      • course International Business Practice

      • course Veteran's Law

      • course International Law

      • course Law of the European Union

      • course Mergers and Acquisitions

      • course Sales and Leases

      • course Securities Regulation

  • Certificate in Intellectual Property

    • Students must take a total of at least ten credits, including Intellectual Property Fundamentals and two or more of the following:

      • course Copyright Law

      • course Cultural Property: Archaeology, Ethics, and Law

      • course Entertainment Law

      • course Intellectual Property Drafting

      • course Intellectual Property and Transactional Law Clinic

      • course Selected Topics: Intellectual Property Litigation Practicum

      • course Intellectual Property Law and Policy Seminar

      • course Veteran's Law

      • course Patent Law

      • course Sports and the Law

      • course Trademark Law

Students should be informed that not all of the foregoing courses are offered every year.

LL.M. Courses

Students must complete 24 credits of academic coursework, including The U.S. Legal System and U.S. Legal Research and Writing. All other courses are elective, and LL.M. students may enroll in first year J.D. courses as well as upper-level courses and seminars.

  • course The U.S. Legal System

  • course U.S. Legal Research and Writing

Elective Courses

  • course Administrative Law

  • course Advanced Clinical Practice: Children

  • course Advanced Clinical Practice: Family Law

  • course Advanced Clinical Practice: Intellectual Property

  • course Advanced Clinical Practice: Wrongful Conviction

  • course Advanced Legal Analysis and Writing

  • course Advanced Legal Research

  • course Advanced Trial Advocacy

  • course Selected Topics: Advising the Entrepreneur

  • course Agency and Partnership

  • course Aging and Disability Law Practicum

  • course Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • course American Legal Culture for International Lawyers

  • course American Legal Rhetoric and Writing

  • course Animal Law

  • course Selected Topics: Anti-Bribery Law in International Business

  • course Antitrust

  • course Art of the Argument

  • course Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization

  • course Bioethics

  • course Building Blocks of Starting a Small/Solo Practice

  • course Business Associations

  • course Business Litigation Practicum

  • course Capital Murder Litigation

  • course Children and the Law

  • course Children's Defense Clinic

  • course Civil Litigation Fundamentals

  • course Civil Rights Litigation

  • course Selected Topics: Civil and Criminal Litigation Research

  • course Collaborative Law

  • course Selected Topics: Commercial Transactions and Emerging Technology

  • course Selected Topics: Comparative Constitutional Legal Systems

  • course Comparative Public Law of the U.S. and U.K.

  • course Conflicts of Laws

  • course Selected Topics: Constitutional History

  • course Constitutional Jurisprudence

  • course Constitutional Law II: Individual Rights

  • course Construction Law

  • course Contract Drafting

  • course Copyright Law

  • course Core Commercial Law Concepts

  • course Core Legal Concepts

  • course Corporate Compliance

  • course Corporate Finance

  • course Corporate Governance

  • course Corporate Taxation

  • course Selected Topics: Corporate and Business Law Research

  • course Corruption in International Sports II

  • course Corruption in International Sports

  • course Criminal Client Relationship

  • course Criminal Law and Psychiatry

  • course Criminal Procedure: Adjudication

  • course Criminal Procedure: Investigation

  • course Criminal Trial Advocacy

  • course Crimmigration

  • course Selected Topics: Critical Theory Workshop

  • course Cultural Property: Archaeology, Ethics, and Law

  • course D.C. Externship

  • course Selected Topics: Diversity in Education and Employment

  • course Domestic Violence Seminar

  • course Election Law

  • course Employment Discrimination Law

  • course Employment Law

  • course Energy Law

  • course Entertainment Law

  • course Environmental Law

  • course Estate Planning

  • course Estate and Gift Taxation

  • course Evidence

  • course Expert Evidence

  • course Externship: Civil

  • course Externship: Criminal

  • course Externship: In-House

  • course Externship: Judicial

  • course Externship: Litigation

  • course Family Law Clinic

  • course Family Law Procedure

  • course Family Law

  • course Federal Courts

  • course Selected Topics: Federal Income Tax Lab

  • course Federal Income Taxation

  • course Selected Topics: Feminist Perspectives on Law

  • course First Amendment Law

  • course Health Law

  • course Selected Topics: Health Reform in America

  • course Housing Law

  • course Housing Law Practicum

  • course Human Rights Seminar

  • course Selected Topics: Identity, Culture, & the Law

  • course Immigration Law

  • course Immigration Rights Practicum

  • course Independent Study

  • course Intellectual Property Drafting

  • course Intellectual Property Fundamentals

  • course Intellectual Property Law and Policy Seminar

  • course Intellectual Property and Transactional Law Clinic

  • course Selected Topics: Internal Corporate & Government Investigations

  • course International Business Practice

  • course International Business Transactions

  • course International Criminal Justice & Transnational Justice

  • course International Law Practicum

  • course International Law

  • course Selected Topics: Intersections of Human Identity and American Law

  • course Interviewing and Counseling

  • course Interviewing, Negotiating, and Counseling

  • course Introduction to Business

  • course Jurisprudence

  • course Selected Topics: Juvenile Law

  • course Labor Law

  • course Land Use Planning

  • course Law and Economics

  • course Law and Literature

  • course Law of the European Nation

  • course Selected Topics: Leading & Managing the Business Law

  • course Selected Topics: Legal Business Design Practicum

  • course Legal History Seminar

  • course Selected Topics: Legal Process & Project Management

  • course Selected Topics: Legislative Advocacy

  • course Local Government Law

  • course London Externship Program

  • course Medical Malpractice

  • course Mergers and Acquisitions

  • course Negotiation

  • course Patent Law

  • course Payments in the 21st Century: How Money Moves

  • course Poverty Law Practicum

  • course Pre-Trial Litigation Skills

  • course Products Liability Law

  • course Professional Responsibility: Criminal Practice

  • course Professional Responsibility: Family Law

  • course Mediation

  • course Moot Court Competition

  • course National Security and New Technologies

  • course Nonprofit Organizations

  • course Payments in the 21st Century: How Money Moves

  • course Practice Design and Innovation

  • course Public Policy Research and Drafting

  • course Selected Topics: Race, Class, Power & Privilege

  • course Race, Religion and the Law

  • course Real Estate Transfers and Finance

  • course Regulatory Law Practicum

  • course Remedies

  • course Research Assistant

  • course Restorative Justice

  • course Role of the Lawyer in Mediation

  • course Sales and Leases

  • course Secured Transactions

  • course Securities Regulation

  • course Selected Issues in Public International Law

  • course Selected Topics in Virginia Law

  • course Sentencing Law

  • course Selected Topics: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law

  • course Spanish Legal Skills

  • course Sports and the Law

  • course Start-up Accelerator Practicum

  • course Selected Topics: State and Local Taxation

  • course Tax Policy Seminar

  • course Taxation of Partnerships and LLCs

  • course Selected Topics: Technology Law

  • course Selected Topics: The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments: Ending Slavery, Building Liberty

  • course The Constitution & the State Attorney General

  • course The Death Penalty

  • course Selected Topics: The Mindful Lawyer

  • course The Prosecution Project

  • course Trademark Law

  • course Trial Competition

  • course Veteran's Law

  • course Selected Topics: Vices-Prohibition, Registration, and Social Impact

  • course Virginia Legal Research

  • course Virginia Procedure

  • course Voting Rights

  • course White Collar Crime

  • course Wills and Trusts

  • course Workers Compensation

  • course Selected Topics: Writing for Clerks

  • course Wrongful Conviction Clinic

  • course Wrongful Conviction Seminar