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Thomas Bonfiglio, Coordinator (Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)
Taylor Arnold (Mathematics and Data Science)
David Giancaspro (Latin American, Latino, and Iberian Studies)
Dieter Gunkel (Classical Studies)
Elizabeth Kissling (Latin American, Latino, and Iberian Studies)
Matthew Lowder (Psychology)
Michael Marsh-Soloway (Global Studio)
Jon Park (Mathematics and Computer Science)

Linguistics at Richmond is an interdisciplinary minor that studies the system of language as a medium of cognition and perception as well as a social institution. Engaging in linguistic analysis enables students to view culture through the lens of language. Language can be studied at multiple levels: phonetics and phonology (sounds), morphology (words), syntax (sentences), and semantics and pragmatics (meaning). Faculty at Richmond investigate each of these levels in courses that take different analytical perspectives: applied linguistics, computational linguistics, generative linguistics, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and theoretical linguistics. These courses address a variety of topics, including language change, language and cognition, and language and society (gender, class, race/ethnicity).